Formula for choosing a brand’s identity
1. History: Why did you create this product?
What was the story behind why you created your product and what problem is it trying to solve? This truly is the foundation and starting point for identifying your brand’s message.
2. Core of the brand: What does your brand stand for?
What problem is it solving? Take the time to write out your history and why you created the product. Than you’ll start seeing words pop out at you. Those descriptive words than can become part of your copy, name and brand story.
3. Name: Keep it simple
Be sure to choose a name that connects with your customer and expresses the product well and is easy to spell. If people don’t get it than they won’t buy it. Period.
4. Logos are the same: Keep it simple.
Ideas are everywhere!
5. Connection factor: How do people (customers) connect to your brand?
People buy from people. How do you customers connect with your product? Does the name resonate? Do they look at your brand, marketing material and product and purchase it? If not, we need to re-evaluate how your brand and marketing collateral are being received by your customers.
6. Put it all together
Take the history+core+name+logo+connection factor = the foundation of your brand’s identity.
Designing Brands For Ideal Customer Experiences

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